Interactive Video Surveillance
Who’s Watching Your Home or Business After Closing?
ACT Security Services LLC detects intruders in real-time and reacts immediately to prevent loss to your business.
ACT Security is a cost effective video and audio surveillance system that is monitored from ACT Central Station. The system is event driven and its main purpose is to continuously monitor the car dealership from “closing” to “opening” time for pre-defi ned security violations and act upon when such violations are detected, thus providing robust intrusion prevention. ACT Security utilizes video cameras to create a virtual fence around the
car lot. Intelligent software monitors the camera views in real time to detect intruders. Outdoor loud speakers provide two way audio communications with themonitored site. The Digital Recording systems provides 24/7 continuous recording of all cameras. Streaming video, audio and data are transmitted via the internet to the central station. If a suspicious person is detected, while contacting the authorities, the ACT Security
specialist will advise the intruder over the loud speaker that he has been observed and recorded and that the police are on their way. The entire event will be recorded and a video clip of the incident will always be available for the customer and the authorities. Our primary objective will always be to deter and subsequently prevent from any unauthorized individuals to step into the monitored spaces.
Call (877)-772-0061 to schedule a FREE SECURITY ASSESSMENT of your Property!